Advancing Comprehensive Mental Health Systems

A Guide for State Education Agencies

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According to the Child Mind Institute’s 2020 Children’s Mental Health Report, almost half of all parents report the coronavirus pandemic has increased their desire/need to seek mental health care for their child. Before the extreme stresses of 2020-2021, 46% of teachers reported high daily stress levels that compromised their health, sleep, quality of life and teaching performance. Chief state school officers and their agencies are actively taking steps to prioritize student and staff wellbeing and connection and provide districts with guidance and support to include a comprehensive approach to supporting student and staff wellbeing, such as a comprehensive school mental health system (CSMHS). A new resource from CCSSO and the National Center for School Mental Health outlines five key steps state education agencies can take to support a comprehensive approach to school mental health, alongside state examples and relevant resources. Each state will need to customize and fine-tune its CSMHS to suit that state’s unique challenges and opportunities. However, these five actions position chief state school officers and their agencies to advance an effective and sustainable statewide school mental health initiative.

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