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ESSER Summit
ESSER Impact Showcase

The promise of America starts in our public schools, which educate and nourish our youth while also serving as important gathering places in communities small and large. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated just how much schools are part of the fabric of America’s neighborhoods.

We must make certain our young people fully recover from disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and thrive in adulthood.

The challenges of the last year laid bare the need for fundamental changes in K-12 education. The unprecedented injection of federal emergency relief funds presents an opportunity to transform the U.S. school system so it provides each and every student with the educational opportunity they deserve.

To chart a path forward, the Coalition to Advance Future Student Success brings together 12 leading education organizations that represent leaders from practitioners in the classroom to the state capitol working together to ensure this moment of transformation brings about greater equity and outcomes for students in the U.S.

esser summit graphic

Latest from the Coalition

On May 20, 2024, the Coalition to Advance Future Student Success hosted a virtual event, “Investment to Impact: Leveraging ESSER and Keeping What Works” which highlighted some of the work underway across the Coalition member organizations and how Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) dollars are having an impact on schools and communities and state and local strategies to continue some of these policies and programs beyond fall 2024.


Leverage the current moment to bring about greater equity, better learning environments, and improved outcomes for all students in the U.S.

Capitol Hill

Theory of Action

 If we as leading national education organizations work together – from the capitol to the classroom – to ensure the equitable, impactful investment of historical federal funding over the next three years, then we as a Coalition can leverage this moment to transform long-term outcomes for all students, particularly those who have been historically underserved and disproportionately impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Over the next few years, a 10-point framework, collaboratively developed by the Coalition, will drive consistent guidance that could advance recovery in school systems across the country. The framework imperatives include: reopen school buildings and ensure they can stay open safely, close the digital divide, ensure students have ample supports in place for academics and well-being, connect students to fruitful postsecondary opportunities, guarantee curriculum and assessment quality, recruit and retain talented educators, and explore new education delivery models. 


The Coalition represents leaders involved in advancing public education, from practitioners in the classroom to the state capitol. The Coalition’s goal is to ensure that the federal investment provided during the COVID-19 pandemic is spent effectively and efficiently. Click to learn more about the Coalition members and their work: 

View the Coalition’s Advisory organizations here.

In this playlist, Coalition leaders describe how they have benefitted from being a member of the Coalition.

This project is supported through philanthropic funding