English Learner Progress Models and the Quality of English Language Programs Project Partners

OverviewAbout this ProjectEL Program Survey
EL Growth ModelsResources and FAQs

State leadership team: Seven state education agencies (SEA) are participating in this project: Arizona, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Washington, and Wisconsin. The seven states serve approximately 462,000 English learners. State team members guide decision-making on processes and products of the project, share emerging issues related to English learner (EL) policies/programs and Every Student Succeeds Act implementation, and ensure continuous improvements in design and delivery of high-quality products. The participating states are represented by senior SEA staff members in the areas of EL programs, assessment, accountability, and data/reporting.


Project management partner: CCSSO serves as the project management partner for this project. Fen Chou, CCSSO’s program director of assessment standards, serves as the lead and the project co-principal investigator, and Kathleen Lyons, CCSSO’s assessment program associate for assessment standards serves as the project manager.

Research partners: A team of national experts conducts research activities with advice from the state leadership teams and provides technical assistance to participating states. The research team includes Pete Goldschmidt, professor, California State University Northridge; Mark Hansen, associate professor, University of California, Los Angeles and the Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST); and Maria Santos, consultant/senior advisor. In addition, the research team is supported by an EL technical advisory group (see below), which is comprised of prominent researchers on EL technical issues and state assessment experts and provides input and advice on the project design, development, implementation, and resource dissemination.

EL technical advisory group: Tim Boals, WIDA, Wisconsin Center for Education Research; Melissa Castillo, Arizona Department of Education; Fen Chou, CCSSO; H. Gary Cook, WIDA, Wisconsin Center for Education Research; Pete Goldschmidt, California State University, Northridge; Mark Hansen, UCLA-CRESST; Megan Hopkins, WestEd; Scott Norton, CCSSO; Delia Pompa, Migration Policy Institute; Sharon Prestridge, Mississippi Department of Education; Vitaliy Shyyan, Smarter Balanced; Maria Santos, Consultant; Cat Still, CRESST, ELPA21; Martha Thurlow, NCEO; Ilana Umansky, University of Oregon

External evaluator: Com-Link, LLC serves as the external evaluator for this project. Jane Nell Luster, president of Com-Link, LLC, brings more than 20 years of program and project evaluation experience.

For questions about this project, please contact the management team at elsurvey@ccsso.org.
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